Pathophysiology of vision and photostimulation of neurons

This research line has three main objectives: i) to study the mechanisms underlying retinal and visual system function, the sequence of events triggering photoreceptor degeneration and the mechanism of damage propagation. The aim is to use these insights to develop diagnostic technology; ii) to develop and test new pharmacological approaches to photoreceptor neurodegeneration. This includes investigating the effects of molecules of plant origin; iii) to develop and test innovative technologies to replace the functionality of photoreceptors lost due to neurodegeneration by developing innovative retinal prostheses, such as using innovative light-activated membrane nano-actuators or organic electronics for light-induced hybrid neural interfaces.


Behavioural studies and electrophysiological examinations of the retina and visual system in vivo; Patch-clamp and high-density multielectrode array recordings in vitro and ex vivo, along with morphological studies


Scientists:  Baldelli P., Benfenati F., Di Marco S.

Keywords:  membrane lipids, nanoactuators, light stimulation, capacitancein-vitro/ex-vivo electrophysiology




Last update 17 December 2024