Cancer treatments are nowadays quite effective in the first istance, but very often recurrent resistance phenomena arise with inauspicious prognostic outcomes. Study the adaptive cellular responses and the molecular mechanisms induced by short- and long-term treatments with anticancer drugs in different human cancer cells is useful in order to identify new potential molecular targets.
To study the molecular mechanisms underlying the cellular responses induced by anticancer drugs in human neuroblastoma and melanoma cells
Scientists: Furfaro A.L., Nitti M.
Keywords: redox balance, heme oxygenase-1, Nrf2, BRAF-V600
Role of metabolism and antioxidant defense in cellular models of chemoresistance
Scientists: Domenicotti C., Marengo B., Traverso N.
Keywords: chemoresistance, neuroblastoma, melanoma, glutathione, metabolism
To develop protocols of tertiary chemo-prevention to prevent cancer recurrence and the onset of chemo/radio resistance
Scientists: Izzotti A.
Keywords: cancer, epigenetic, microRNA, relapse prevention, oncology, drugs